Saturday, July 13, 2013

it is...all about love~

over the past few weeks, I've been privileged to participate in or attend some pretty spectacular celebrations. so, today, when my spouse asked if we were going to another wedding, did make sense.  you see, the past two weekends, we've had these amazing, generous celebrations to embrace--lovely weddings both--so very similar in the love expressed and yet, so very different for other reasons.

after the supreme court decided to recognize the unconstitutionality of not allowing same gender marriages to be seen, from a federal perspective, the same way as opposite gender marriages, many of us were delighted to celebrate an amazing couple's love and relationship of commitment after 20 years of committed, yes, not only did we get to go to celebrate a marriage, but the 20 years together as well as the reality that things are changing.  this change is such a long time coming and touches deep, deep in many of our hearts; yet, I am so grateful to be a part of watching and celebrating this change.

to watch the young people in life honor this change is delightful; however, in truth, many of them have never realized why it's taken some of the rest of us so long to not make an issue of this.  from this openness of perspective comes true love and celebration to realize that one can love another -- just as they are and choose them, yet again, after 20 years, 1 year, 50 years, 3 years...every day...whether one is celebrating life with one of same gender or opposite just doesn't matter.  we are more alike than different...our struggles are more similar than doesn't take from the other ...rather, it is truly, all about love.

so, going last weekend to another loving commitment ceremony of marriage of the lovely young woman I've known since she was 2 was yet another lovely, celebration of love.  the beautiful setting, again, outside, the amazing flowers, trees, landscape...the wonderful food...the happy families....all of those, like me, who celebrated as part of the community who supports...yet again, similar.  the love, the commitment, the excitement and courage...all of this and so much more go into relationships that can continue to "yes" over time...whoever we are, wherever we truly is, all about love.

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