otherwise, leaves are being raked & music is playing--and changing with the seasons. at this house, often, holiday music begins before the neighbors might...but i've always thought that if i don't begin early, time moves so quickly, i'll miss the whole experience and i love the process! college apps are being filled out with an 18th birthday soon here--amazing that the years have flown from a scary start...to now! what a delight to be a part of all the adventures of life--who knows what's next? i've had the opportunity to go away--to visit family in california, helping move from one house to another and watch the home unfold in the new locale...go off in other directions to visit, help & spend time with family and friends who live afar...i am honored to be included~
for this season which is upon us, i give thanks...while i love the season of thanksgiving and all it includes, i think, often, of how grateful i am each day--for the little moments, the big surprises, the challenges & the joys...for all of this & more, i am grateful~