a good reminder to me—to each of us, perhaps—our foundations do, whether physical or emotional undergird our lives, supporting us in ways we cannot even imagine, helping when we may least expect it. gratitude for the reminder...gratitude for the opportunity to lean into the foundation established over the years of leaning in, reaching out, creating forth—embracing each & every day.
some moments of reflection on the in between...my grands, as i’ve mentioned before, are such wonders to me! recently, i’ve had opportunity to be with each of the three of them at different times over a few months. our third grand, a sweet little girl, joined our family back a ways & what a delightful addition to our family she is! i was so fortunate to be able to be with her, her big brother & parents for 2 weeks when she was but a wee lass of a couple weeks on our just beginning to get-to-one-another-visit~ on that visit, as well, I spent time reminding her brother of how wonderful and amazing he is & his big brother-ness too....through playing, reading, running, talking, cooking...and so much more being-ness to reinforce that bond — that it was stronger than ever and never going away even with the addition of someone beautiful, loving and new! since then, another visit and now another, to continue the play, laughter, joy, challenge, delight and beauty of days shared...keeping us close even when it’s just over FaceTime or calls & letters in between. in the midst of those visits, we had the opportunity to spend one on one time with our grand on the other coast...time with just him & his Grammie & Grandpa—what a gift—then & staying in touch—however that works best! how do any of us stay in touch & connection with those we care about? long times can happen...because life happens in between and around us~ so, the challenge then becomes, how do we choose to take & make the time for connection in the greatness of the beauty of every day?
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